What is a 'Binge Calculator?'

This calculator is a simple tool for estimating how long it would take to binge a show! All you need is:

  • The total number of aired episodes (to this date)
  • The total number of episodes you expect to watch (canon/mixed episodes) and/or the total number of episodes you expect to skip (filler episodes)
  • The number of episodes you expect to watch per day (on average)
  • The number of episodes aired per week

Remember that this tool is for estimations! If you have exact numbers, and can commit to a strict routine, the calculation can still be off by a couple days if your show suddenly decides to air far more/less fillers than it historically has.

  • Canon episodes are episodes that are certainly part of the storyline, these should not be skipped.
  • Filler episodes are episodes that are certainly not part of the storyline. They often deviate from the story and do not contribute. These episodes are often seen as a waste of time and as such can be skipped.
  • Mixed episodes fall within the grey area. Parts of the episode have relevance to the storyline and may be important later, however it is often the case that the majority of the episode deviates and does not contribute to the story.
  • For examples, please see https://www.animefillerlist.com/

Why did I make this?

I love anime, and one of my favorites is One Piece, however currently (July 22nd, 2019), a total of 896 episodes have aired, 102 of which have been fillers.
It's reasonably difficult to start such a show, it would take forever to catch up, any progress feels insignificant and then you even have to factor episodes being aired as you're catching up.
I feel like demystifying the amount of time it would take to catch up could help anyone embark on the journey.

The calcuator!